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Monday, May 3, 2010

Jehovah's Witnesses

Here is wisdom;

On Thursday of last week, two very well dressed and polite people rang my doorbell. One woman who wore a flowery dress and one elderly man in a suit who's mobility was aided by a cane. The woman told me they were conducting a survey in my neighborhood and wondered if I would mind answering a question. I said sure and she asked me if I knew why Jesus came to the earth. Being a good Southern Baptist and raised in a Holy home with decades of study in my past I was refreshed by the question.

I answered that He came to pay the price for our sins. Just as the perfect lamb of the Old Testament covered the iniquities of the Jewish people, Jesus' sacrifice covered the iniquities of the Gentiles. The man with the cane told me that I was a man who knew the truth. Then the woman asked me if she could leave me some literature. I was preparing to say no because their resources could better be spent on someone else. Then she pulled out a "Watchtower" magazine and started telling me about Jesus from her "bible."

I stopped her and told her that if it isn't the King James, it isn't the Bible. I then asked her how she reconciled all of the false prophecies that have been made over the years by the Watchtower society. The old man told me I was misinformed. Then I said that they don't believe Jesus was the Son of God. Again he told me I was misinformed (they believe He was the firstborn of creation...a matter of semantics).

I wasn't prepared to talk to them and asked them to come back the next day. They happily agreed and said that they'd come in the afternoon. I stayed up late researching JW's from their own literature. I even found a website with cited JW references to failed prophecies, 35 pages long, and printed it out for them. I prayed and asked God to give me the words that they needed to hear. Then I realized that I could have just invited evil into my home so I prayed that God would keep evil off of my property.

The next day came. I waited all day. No JW's. I suppose that they are only willing to spread their "gospel" to those who are weak, diluted, and uninformed. They weren't up to the challenge. The man had bragged of his 61 years in the church yet he was weak in the face of He who resides in me. I really felt like I could have made a difference with at least the younger woman. I feel relief, yet sadness and still cannot help but wonder if God was truly keeping evil away from me and my family...

Pascal's Wager

Here is wisdom;

The French philosopher Blaise Pascal was an early Christian apologist who said that even though we cannot "prove" the existence of God through reason that we should believe in Him anyway. His reasoning for this was that we have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

This is flawed in so many ways. First of all, do you think God is not sophisticated enough to know those who feign love and adoration for Him? Secondly, if we assume that we cannot prove the existence of God wouldn't we stop trying? Finally, how does this prove which god is correct?

This reminds me of something I once heard a preacher say, if the only motivation for obeying God is the fear of hell, then what is going to be our motivation once we get to Heaven?